Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Shark week is pretty much my favorite week!

Here are some things I learned this year during Shark Week:

1.   Sharks living in frigid waters can heat their eyes using a special organ next to a muscle in their eye socket. This ability enables them to keep hunting their prey in extreme temperatures.

2.  Blue sharks are piggy eaters. They'll keep eating until they regurgitate, after which they go back to eating!

3.  Jaws is considered to be the godfather of all shark movies, but six years before the Steven Spielberg blockbuster, Burt Reynolds got into a wet suit to star in Shark. Real sharks were used throughout the movie, and a stuntman was killed filming a scene with the predators.

4.  Shark fin soup is a delicacy in China and is served at important events, like weddings and anniversaries. When dried, the fins take on a texture and shape similar to noodles.

5.  Shark attacks occur around California because U.S. government protection of sea mammals, like seals, sea lions and sea otters, has increased their populations off the West Coast. There's more food for sharks there, and humans just get in the way.

6.  Until recently, sharks were thought to be immune to cancer. However, recent research proves otherwise. A study at Johns Hopkins University, for example, found 40 cases of tumors in sharks.

7.  Between 30 and 80 percent of a shark's flesh is made of water. A protein network gives the flesh its structure.

8.  Between 30 and 80 percent of a shark's flesh is made of water. A protein network gives the flesh its structure.

9.  Shark I have never heard of before:  GOBLIN SHARK (pictured below!)

10.  Sharks can help people get some sleep. Sharks can continue to swim while "sleeping." Researchers study their brains, which may lead to treatments for human sleep disorders.

I can wait for shark week next year!


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